Condus & Kompleksi
Kompleksi (bottom-right logo) is the student organization for psychology students in the University of Helsinki, and Condus (top-left logo) is the ceiling organization for the faculty of education sciences, under which psychology used to belong alongside e.g. cognitive science and teaching studies.
Some time before(?) this piece the decision was made to shake up the university structure heavily, transferring psychology to the faculty of medicine and cognitive science to the faculty of... was it chemistry? as a masters-only degree (and then later it was snuffed entirely, although if I remember correctly it's been making a comeback).
From what I recall, this shakeup was seen mostly as a negative thing, one step on a path to turn the university into one aligned more with capitalistic goals.
Anyway, I was commissioned to make some kind of a card for some kind of an event regarding Kompleksi & Condus, and here it is. The place depicted is part of Siltavuorenpenger, the campus for education sciences, with this particular building being the one where psychology students used to spend their days. If you're interested in more about this (and can understand Finnish), do consider reading my psychology comics (link at the top of the page)!

Painting, Watercolour, Kompleksi