
Original note:

"This is my work for the Arts Diploma course offered in our school. I made it mostly because it gave me a good reason to do a really big art piece, I've never done anything of this size. Also I quite think it's my best piece this far. We had 6 themes to choose from, mine was "Mathematical art" and the inspirer was none other than M. C. Escher.

Making this took about 20 hours, maybe a bit less. We had one school course of time to finish this and the accompanying portfolio. Making the portfolio was quite a chore because it required us to explain what's so special about our work, what is it's "message". I never think about stuff like that so creating some meaning wasn't very fun.

Most of the work was made with paste colours, and the hexagonal structure was improved with some wood pencils. I also had to edit the pic a bit after scanning, because even though I used a high-quality scanning service, some of the brighter colours had turned to white. Quite annoying, hmph."

"Paste" up there should be "pastel". I'm not quite so fond of this piece at this point than I apparently was upon completing it; the idea is very simplistic and while I like the upper half and the transition to the beehive, the pastel-coloured lower half is just really empty (and the bees look kinda bad in my opinion). Oh well, it was a neat project nonetheless. I wonder if I have the portfolio still around...? Also I keep being slightly surprised every time I look at these old notes and realize how broken my English grammar was even this close to graduation from high school!

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