Posts from year 2012:
Rotating blue line of doom
Posted on 2012-12-27 23:52

I guess this might benefit from more special effects. Oh well! The boss is finished, at least.Tags: Games, ESA
Merry krampusmas
Posted on 2012-12-24 12:31

Tags: Games, ESA
ESA + another painting
Posted on 2012-12-19 18:48

So, I’ve gotten slowly back to working on ESA. Looking at the code after a break made me realize how many things are still relatively broken – there’re a whole lotta areas where I’ve though “I’ll come back here later, woop”. This ain’t good!
Anyway, a gif:

Tags: Games, ESA, Art
Even more art + stuff.
Posted on 2012-12-04 21:43

As it turns out, other social shenanigans completely unrelated to the previous ones have taken my time and caused me to burn out of game development quite badly. Good thing I can paint while I wait for things to get better. Sorry about this, ESA will be out eventually but there’ll be a delay!Tags: Art, ESA, Plans
More art!
Posted on 2012-11-16 19:04

Woop!Tags: Art
Posted on 2012-10-23 19:58

Yeah.Tags: Games, ESA
So, about that IGF…
Posted on 2012-10-18 02:23
…I didn’t actually make it. Technically, at least. I couldn’t get OA done to a passable point in time, so I sent the same version as last year. Thanks for help with submitting the game, Petri!
Tags: Games, Officer Alfred, GDC, Happenings
More ESA + IGF
Posted on 2012-10-09 02:26

So there.
IGF deadline is on the 17th, and I’ve been working on the updated, physics-based version of Officer Alfred in order to get some kind of a test version for the competition. At the moment I’m still a bit unsure whether I’ll be able to get anything done in time, but the game’s level editor is looking pretty snazzy already:

Tags: Games, ESA, Officer Alfred, GDC, Plans, Happenings
Back to work (again!)
Posted on 2012-10-01 15:43
Yay. Finally finished that 7th boss for ESA, and started work with the temple area For Reals this time. Behold:

The reason for this huge pause in development is that I’ve been a lot more social this autumn than ever before. It’s kind of cool, I like it. But yeah, it also eats my dev time.Tags: Games, ESA
Posted on 2012-09-25 15:28
Still busy, aarrgghTags: Other
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