Posts with tag 'Social media':

Reactions on blog & gallery
Posted on 2024-09-05 20:09

However, I thought of a way I could still add a little fun interactive thing to the website, so here we are: when viewing a post or a gallery image, you get three options of reactions to add. Effectively they're like likes on various social media services, but I tried to make the options a bit funkier to stay true to the general vibe of the website. I hope you like them!

8 3 6

Tags: Other, Social media, Art

Website & paper puzzle collection update
Posted on 2023-12-26 11:19

I added A Solitaire Mystery, boardgames and Mobile Suit Baba to the games lists. I also added a separate page for listing the various social media sites I’m currently active on.

I also added LITSilly to the paper puzzle collection.

Tags: Games, Other, Paper puzzles, Social media

Monthly(?) Newsletter
Posted on 2023-08-19 15:51

I decided to finally set up a mailchimp account in order to be able to let interested people subscribe for some kind of news about my games. This seemed prudent since I bet there’s a bunch of people who didn’t want to move from Twitter to Cohost/Mastodon and thus haven’t been seeing any news stuff related to my projects. You can find the subscription page here.

Tags: Other, Plans, Regular updates, Social media

Website update!
Posted on 2022-11-18 18:03

I’ve added the three recent new games (Babataire, Cavern Sweeper & Mamono Mower) to the main website. Due to them being very quickly-made and in-browser-only, I initially added them to the “small games” page, but after some consideration moved them to the “medium games” page, because my “medium games” page is more a “games not made for game jams or other such events” page.
Twitter’s future looks even more uncertain now, so I guess I might be posting about future endeavours in here & in my Mastodon & Cohost accounts more than before soon. Oh well!

Tags: Games, Social media, Small games, Other

Cohost & Mastodon
Posted on 2022-11-05 15:56

Hmm. There was a time when I actively didn’t understand the purpose of Twitter, but as I’ve gotten more into “professional” game development, its utility in sharing my work (and shitposting) has become more apparent to me, and despite the various issues with the site, for the past couple years I’ve mostly appreciated its existence. Especially maintaining the Baba Is You official Twitter account has been quite rewarding apart from some specific bad experiences.

Anyway, as it is, Twitter’s future looks somewhat uncertain, so like a lot of other people it seemed prudent to set up some alternative social media accounts for possible future use. At the moment my plan is to still use Twitter and just mirror relevant posts to these other sites, but we’ll see if that’ll change in the future. And who knows, maybe this means that I’ll post more here on my blog in the future?? Life can be odd like that.


Cohost: Mastodon:

Tags: Other, Plans, Social media

Baba Is You Editor beta on!
Posted on 2020-12-14 17:48

Ok! The online level-sharing is out in public beta!

As mentioned earlier, I wanted to test a method to let people outside of Steam to also be able to check out the open beta. And now there’s a way to do exactly that! Just head to and pick up the limited-time editor build; it will only be kept up-to-date until the editor releases and has some limited utilities, but it’ll let you experience the full extent of the level-sharing beta! I understand that is still not quite comparable to being able to test the editor on a Switch, but as I said earlier, that is not entirely something I could make happen. I hope people will find this method acceptable. Thanks for your support!

You can also read the Steam announcement here.

One more thing: I set up a Twitter account for gathering level codes of levels that people found cool or interesting. Do tweet at @BabaLevels if you feel you’ve found such a level! This’ll make picking the featured levels easier in the future as well.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Plans, Other, Social media

Stream icon!
Posted on 2015-12-24 03:47

So, since I haven’t had much to discuss here for the past few months but have been streaming game development regularly, I finally added a proper stream button to the top of the blog. You can see there if I’m streaming, but do also follow me on Twitter if you want more detailed schedule information. Sorry about the silence!

Tags: Streaming, Other, Social media

General Discussion
Posted on 2014-01-10 15:48

Note: If you’ve left comments on this blog and want them removed or want to receive all the data stored about you on the blog, send e-mail to! More info here.




Twitch Stream:

(Editor's note: this post was pinned to the top of the Wordpress blog, hence it being up-to-date to year 2023 despite being originally posted in 2014)

Tags: Other, Social media

ESA is now on Twitter
Posted on 2012-07-09 20:58

Well yeah, it looks like that. I personally dislike Twitter quite a bit but it seems to be quite a good way to spread information.

Head to and follow, if you feel like doing so!

Tags: Games, ESA, Social media
