Posts with tag 'FIG':
Uh. Weird.
Posted on 2012-05-07 00:47
So then. I just finished level 14 of Beyond the Black Hole, that endless project of mine. The engine is, as I’ve stated previously, very very awful, but the game has some really neat things going on so I really want to finish it. I think I’ll try to finish 20 or so levels and then call the game finished. I’ll definitely want to re-revisit the concept later, though, because it allows for a lot of creative freedom.

It took me 17 months to finish this one level. Cool? Nope.
Oh, and also, I’ve been adding parallax scrolling to Environmental Station Alpha. Like so:

Tags: Games, ESA, FIG, Plans
Ludum Dare #21 and stuff
Posted on 2011-08-24 14:11
Oh well, so Ludum Dare was last weekend, with the theme ‘Escape’. Wasn’t really my cup of tea, and in the end I didn’t manage to create anything of interest, just a simple engine for a possible future game (I spent so much timing finishing parts of the engine that I ultimately didn’t need).
On other news, I’ll be moving away from my parents’ soon, which’ll mean a pause in any updates whatsoever. Not that big a deal, but it’s pretty exciting for me! And then for the games:
Beyond the Black Hole: Yep, still not given up on this! The engine is old and horrid, but I hope that inspiration eventually strikes and I can get it done.
Masjin: I think I’ll make an update to fix the currently existing bigger bugs and then take some time off the project in order to pursue other stuff.
Paradise Fort flash: I recently found a much easier way to handle certain stuff, so expect to see some updates on this eventually!
Then there’re various smaller things I’m working on or at least planning to work on. As Usual, I’ll wait until they’re a bit more ripe before announcing ’em.

Stuff like this.
Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Masjin, FIG, Plans
Taking a break from Masjin to work on other stuffery
Posted on 2011-04-24 14:30
So, after 3+ weeks of daily updates to Masjin, I’m having a break from it in order to work on other games. And study. I doubt anyone is reading this blog at this point, but let’s have a summary of projects:
Beyond the Black Hole: Kinda frozen again. I’m stuck in level 14, but I’m quite sure I’ll eventually finish this.
It’s a frickin’ cave: Frozen as well. The code is very sloppy and buggy so in order to keep working I should recode big parts of it. This makes me not want to continue.
Currently I’m concentrating on making Paradise Fort fully flash. I’m currently doing it as a collaboration with Jeanes, a friend(?) of mine who’s really good at graphical design and has done several really good games and would-be-games. As far as I know, he’s had a bit of problem with finding a coder, though.
Anyway, here’s how the game looks at the moment:

Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Masjin, FIG
Level 13
Posted on 2011-01-06 01:31
So then! Level 13 is finally here, let us all dwell in endless sjoy! The level is quite complicated but I think it’s not too bad. The teaser pic was already posted below so no pic this time, sorry!
I’ll put It’s a Frickin’ Cave for a pause up until I lose my motivation with BtBH again. I’d really want to finish this (and both!).
Here’s still a teaser pic from IaFC:
(Broken image)
Tags: Games, FIG, Small games, Ludum Dare
Ding Dong
Posted on 2011-01-04 22:41
(Broken image)
(Broken image)
Tags: Games, FIG
Too much stuff going on
Posted on 2010-11-08 00:13
Those… two(?) of you who’ve read the blog through may already have noticed the bane of my game-creation progress: I get projects going, they go nicely for a while and then WHOOP they give birth to two new, unrelated projects and the same continues until I finally manage to complete one of them and then leave the rest to die. I don’t like it, my morivation just kinda jumps from one thing to another. I hope something miraculous will happen in the future to cure this. Maybe I should just realize that one has to try to shamble through the tedious parts and not just seek fun in game creation?
Anyway, I’ll list my current stuff here:
Beyond the Black Hole: I’m quite confident I’ll eventually finish this, slowly though. I also thought of maybe redoing the current game to remove the keyboard control – it might be more appealing to Your Average Gamer if it was mouse-only.
World Generator: The generator itself is sleeping but I’m working on a game that might work with it. More about it later.
Excavatorrr 2: I have several ideas for this, but at the same I’m thinking that the game might benefit greatly from flash. However, several attempts with MMF 2 flash export have proven that I have to actually learn AS3 before I can get it to work without lag.
The ‘fourth’ thing I mentioned earlier quite much died in silence. I’m still adding some things to it but I don’t have high hopes about its survival.
Currently I’ve been looking forward to make some neat flash game so that I could try more the financial side of gaming. I wouldn’t want to actually sell games, that’d just lower the player interest and make me feel bad, but there’s a lot of money in flash games, even on the ad revenue level. I’ve been pondering several types of games, but my mind has lately settled to some sort of a castlevania/VVVVVV-like thing. Since we’re aiming for those silly casual gamers here, the game shouldn’t be too complicated to play, har har.
Part of the reason I posted those Apocalypse Adventure videos down there is because I’ve also been more interested in games with similar gameplay lately. Ideally, the World Generater Game would fill this slot very well, I’d just need to add some post-apocalyptic stuff to it, so I thought that since I’m working on that, I could use the same engine for a non-PCG game. There’s not much of it yet, however, I’ve been concentrating on graphics. I got a weird idea – if I make some graphics first, it might feel less of a chore to make the actual code.
Anyway, here they are. I started with the normal guy and the skeleton, and since Minecraft is a nice game I thought that I’d add the rest of them. Creeper will not appear in the World Generator game! Sorry!
Tags: Games, Plans, FIG, World generator, Excavatorrr
Beyond the Black Hole video-thing
Posted on 2010-10-18 18:31
For some reason I wanted to make a video about BtBH. I hope you like it.
(Broken video)
Oh, and this is the third time I use Movie Maker for anything. Sony Vegas looks rather interesting, but its middle name is ‘expensive’.
Tags: Games, FIG
Posted on 2010-09-14 14:50
I’m currently multitasking several different games at once. I have no problem with that, but I should actually be reading to exams which are going to take place next wednesday. Oh well.
Anyway, I’ll list here some stuff I’m currently working on and tell a bit about their progress.
Firstly, there’s the world generator I made a couple posts about earlier. After a longish pause, I got around to add rivers and roads to the world. After a lot of struggling with getting the rivers look good, I think I’m getting somewhere. Next I should just make the generation automatic instead of manual click-to-create, and then start working on roads.

They look nice, don't they?

Earlier attempt.
The next thing is of course Beyond the Black Hole. I don’t quite know what I’m going to do with this, since I don’t think I can bring myself to create all the planned 35 levels. A possibility would be to finish the planet currently at hand, and then the last planet to get 20 levels. I continued working on level 13, as you can see in the post below, but currently I’m a bit stuck with the puzzle. For once it’s not just about motivational problems!
After making that Excavatorrr idea I became sad because I realized how much potential was lost in that one: I myself think that the game was really neat, and that it was positively addicting once the player got hang of the controls. That last bit was the problem, of course: Most players don’t want to take their time to learn a random game, much less if the game isn’t all that big and doesn’t take long to beat. So, last night I started pondering a bit if a remake/sequel to the game could be justified. With my new knowledge, I’d be able to create a much better engine, make a flash export, and possibly connect the game leaderboards to things like Kongregate and so on. That’d be kinda neat. Also the slowness and controlling problems of the original could be taken care of.
There’s also a fourth thing I’ve been playing with, but I wont say much about it yet because I’m quite sure it’ll fail like most other projects I’ve started. So pics will come once I know more!
Tags: Games, Plans, FIG, Excavatorrr, World generator, Procedural generation
Posted on 2010-09-04 01:26

Tags: FIG
Beyond the Black Hole -demo
Posted on 2010-06-18 01:22
AAWWW YEAH! It’s out. And it’s my birthday!
Anyway, here’s my birthday present to anyone who reads this blog! I’ll just copy the description from other places, too lazy to write everything again! So here it comes:
Ok, so this is the demo of Beyond the Black Hole, a puzzle-platformer I’ve been working on for about half a year now with Multimedia Fusion 2. It’s by far my biggest project, and it’ll sure take a year or so still to finish it. This thing is a sequel to FIG, my earlier ‘big’ game, though there are certain big differences, the controlling system being the biggest.
This demo features 6 of the game’s 35 levels, all chosen from the finished 12 and stuffed to one planet. There’s also the tutorial level on top of that. I’ll stop here and let the readme speak a bit:
“In each level, your objective is to collect all the yellow stars (there’s usually only one, and none should be hidden from view) and reach the exit. Reaching the stars and overall solving the levels requires using the main character to carry things around, and the mouse to interact with other things. Most levels require both methods of interaction. In every level, there’s also a hidden blue star, which requires either extra skill or just common curiousness to be found. Collecting all the blue stars also results in a bonus, though not in this demo!
NOTE! You can adjust volume from the settings.txt!
A & D = move left & right
W = jump
Space = pick up / put down
Left mouse button = throw when aiming, interact, confirm
Right mouse button = aim when carrying an item, return to planet menu
ESC = quit level/game
Enter = restart level
Full credits shall be in the finished game!
Idea, design, graphics & programming: Arvi Teikari
Musics: Johan Hargne
Main tester: Looki
Support and sound editing: Nicklas Nygren”
There were other people that should be mentioned there, I’ll list them here later.
Tags: Games, FIG
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