Posts with tag 'Excavatorrr':

Small website thing!
Posted on 2020-05-01 21:53

I had removed a couple games from the main webpage some years ago; they’re now back. The main titles this has affected are Cwoun, Excavatorrr, Paradise Fort and BulletZORZ (which was entirely unlisted.) Masjin is still out-of-order but I’ll get to that soon.

I haven’t been posting because I haven’t been streaming lately; I’ll try to do a general “what’s going on” post soonish.


Tags: Games, Excavatorrr, Plans, Other, Small games

ESA release date announced!
Posted on 2015-03-20 00:14

HERE WE GO! ESA will be released 22nd of April!


In other news, check out this sicknasty 15-minute Excalibur Meh just achieved in CWOUN:


Tags: Games, ESA, Excavatorrr, Plans, Other

CWOUN 100% completion recorded by Kie!
Posted on 2015-02-07 12:13

Here’s a really cool video of Kie beating the game fully:

(Broken video)

Really cool! Thanks a lot for linking this :) I’ll try to get back to updating the game some more eventually but alas, life is hard and things take up time.


Tags: Games, Excavatorrr, Other

Stream recorded
Posted on 2014-08-09 02:38

Thanks for everyone who participated! Here’s a link to the recording:


Tags: Games, ESA, Streaming, Excavatorrr

Excavatorrr reviewed by IndieImpression!
Posted on 2014-03-23 02:13

Now this was sweet, Nick Reineke at IndieImpression made a really cool video showcasing the game, also saying that he might stream it in the future. Thanks, Nick! And thanks, those of you who read this blog, too :)

There are a bunch of things to be fixed in the game, but I decided to release a small patch that fixes at least something; I made it so that there’s a new option to disable submitting scores altogether, and made it so that the game is able to automatically enter the last nickname the player has used. Handy!

Get the new version here!

Aaand here’s the video review. Good stuff!


Tags: Games, Excavatorrr, Procedural generation

News and stuff
Posted on 2014-03-02 04:35

I feel that I remember to update the ESA twitter and TIGforums devlog more often than this blog. Sorry about that! I’ve tried to focus on ESA to get that out of the way, to put it rudely.

Have a GIF!

Anyway, the reason I wanted to post is that I want to gather some opinions on CWOUN. Mainly, I’d like those 3 of you who read this blog to answer the following question:

What are the hardest things in the game AKA What thing(s) kill you most often?

I’d like to eventually start updating that game again, and it’d be neat to make it a bit more accessible. Comment on this post if you feel like it!

Also check out these amazing CWOUN fan-arts:

(Source: imgur, drawn by Meh)


Tags: Games, ESA, Excavatorrr, Plans, Art

A new review of CWOUN!
Posted on 2014-02-16 01:21

The blog has been relatively silent for a moment. Let’s fix that!

CWOUN got a really neat review over at the RETRO SPIRIT GAMES blog. Go read it by clicking here! Basically the review points out the main problem with the game – it’s too hard. Ugh. I’ll update the game with some updatey updateness once ESA is at least nearly complete.

As for ESA, I was on a trip for a week and thus wasn’t able to keep working on it. However, I’m back, and so’s development. I’ve reached the 90% mark, and decided that after this I’ll try to refrain from using a percentual calculator for measuring the game’s state, since at this point things get a lot more uncertain due to there being so much polishing to be done everywhere, even if the actual content was done. There’re only two rooms to complete before getting to the final boss, so that’s very cool!

I made a list of things that need to be added after the final boss is done!

Nordic Game Jam 2014 is going as I write this, but unfortunately I was unable to attend this year. This saddens me a lot, since that’s easily the best game jam I’ve ever participated in! The other trip I was on kind of drained my money (not to mention energy), so I had to pass this time.


Tags: Games, ESA, Excavatorrr, Other, Happenings, Nordic Game Jam, Plans

ESA & CWOUN stuff
Posted on 2014-01-20 13:53

A player actually found the *ultimate treasure* of CWOUN. Good job! Have some ~official developer-made fan art~:

I also made a neat little graph to illustrate how ESA has progressed throughout the years:

(Broken image)

Currently the game’s at 86%! I think I’ll stop using percents once I hit 90%, since the final polishing etc will probably take quite a while.


Tags: Games, ESA, Excavatorrr, Art

CWOUN thing at Indiestatik!
Posted on 2014-01-03 20:19

Indiestatik did a really nice and kind writeup of CWOUN. Thanks, guys! It seems that the game didn’t really rouse much interest, but I suppose that was to be expected… I’ll update some stuff later when I feel less like working on ESA.

Read the article here!


Tags: Games, Excavatorrr, Other

A small update to CWOUN
Posted on 2013-12-23 00:27

– No mean flowers, at least for now
– Ghosts redistributed
– Snails reduced



Tags: Games, Excavatorrr

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