I got my cast off, yay! Returning to my normal schedule has still been an ongoing process, but I've gotten a bunch of gamedev done nonetheless. Unfortunately I've been feeling somewhat under the weather for the past several weeks, causing my productivity to fluctuate a bunch. Hopefully it'll pass soon.
In any case, I managed to release 2 small things - firstly The Plumber Thing: Early Years, seen above, a small project inspired by AuthorBlues' judging of the Questionable Level Design Contest, a Super Mario World romhacking event. AuthorBlues' streams of the judging process have been a joy for years and I had an idea that I felt could've fit into the QLDC submissions.
I also made a tiny one-day project, Baba Is Quiz, after doing a Valentine's Day personality quiz and being unhappy with the results. It's a very very silly thing and shouldn't be taken seriously. But can you find the secret ending?
I released the first boardgame of the year - Porti! The game's actually been in development since last year, I think, but there was a lengthy timeframe when I wasn't really paying attention to it while it was pretty much finished. It's a tad messy but overall I like the unusual qualities of the rules.
Also, the Google Play Store issue with Baba Is You has now been resolved, so you're able to purchase the game there again. That took a whole lot more time than expected, blah.
So! Another year has passed. After 2022’s productivity, 2023 followed more on the footsteps of 2020 and 2021 in that I got very very few games released. However, this comparison feels somewhat unfair because I was still working on multiple projects throughout the year, and Mobile Suit Baba was the fruit of those efforts, ending up being quite a bit more ambitious than I initially planned. I also worked on Noita again, adding some more content. Thanks to Petri & Olli for letting me do that!
2023 also saw me getting into boardgame development more seriously. I’ve been dabbling with trying to make my own boardgames/cardgames since childhood (I have about 5 different imitations of Magic: the Gathering & the Pokémon Trading Card Game I made back then stashed in a cupboard), and Petri Purho (from the Nolla Games team) and Erik Svedäng (developer of Blueberry Garden & Else Heart.break()) inspired me further by making boardgames at various game jams. However, during adulthood I’ve never really gotten past the initial stages of design due to impatience, lack of skill, and other factors. Me and Petri developed 2 boardgames together somewhere around 2013, but the first time I got close to actually releasing something was with Piiri in 2020, although that too went unfinished at the time.
Considering the above, me being able to develop so many boardgames to a state where I felt confident enough to put them available online last year felt really nice! Mostly the boardgame design motivation came from procrastination regarding videogame development, but I can’t complain too much about that since the end result was still creative work being done on something I was happy with. The impatience and lack of skill are still present, though, and as such my boardgames have stayed very carefully in the land of 2-player abstracts. Maybe this year I’ll go further?
2023 was also the year of books for me. I started trying to read more in 2022, and once the habit was formed, it was great to get through a lot of new stuff after years and years of re-reading the sam books over and over. In total I read 24 titles last year, although some were very short affairs.
Anyway, here’s the total list of stuff I released last year:
- Baba Files Taxes
- Cylinders of the Wise
- Obsidian Sentinels
- Malsymmetric (technically unfinished because I wasn’t happy with the design)
- Equal measures (paper puzzle)
- Piiri (mostly designed in 2020)
- Kepi
- Elder Dance (technically unfinished because the rules were broken)
- Kurote
- Gnome Thicket
- Flatdog Scuffle
- Mobile Suit Baba
- LITSilly (paper puzzle)
Last but not least, 2023 was also the year I finally got a pet, although a better term might be that a pet was got-ed at me. Vilma has been getting more used to me and my apartment, and lately I seem to have figured out what kind of scratching she likes, and she has also started to spend more time lying next to me while I sleep. It’s funny how years-long plans to get a dog turned out like this. Oh well!
For 2024, I have plans to try to release more tiny games like in 2022. However, ESA 2 and Planet Keke are on the table still and especially ESA 2 needs all the attention I can give, so I’ll have to be mindful of that when I decide to dedicate time to sideprojects. I’m sure something’ll work out, though.
Anyway, big news first: Mobile Suit Baba is out! Really glad it didn’t take a year, but it got close. I want to add a bit more in terms of modding support and such, but after that it’ll be time to return to Planet Keke.
I also finished Flatdog Scuffle, another 2-player abstract boardgame! The rulebook will need some clarifications and illustrations, but the game seems to work pretty nicely.
To be honest, not too much has happened over the past three months. Mobile Suit Baba trudges ever onwards, Planet Keke has been on hold to give more time for the former, blah blah. The most significant change over here has been Vilma’s introducton to the ecosystem. This has gone mostly fine, I’d say.
I ran playtests of two more-than-2-player boardgames; one is a more eurogamey deal, while the other is a roll-and-write. Unsurprisingly the eurogame design didn’t work very well on the first playtest, while the RnW showed more promise. I’ve been excited abour Ledergames‘ Root again, and pondered about something inspired by it and My City.
I removed Elder Dance from Itch.io since it turned out that the design had some very glaring issues. I have an idea for how to address them now, but said ideas need more testing.
ESA 2 has also progressed at a ponderous but nonetheless existent pace. I’ll need to refactor the moving platform code sometime soon, and this prospect isn’t one I look forward to.
I decided to finally record a playthrough of the old 2006 demo of Spud’s Quest by Chris Davis. It’s a klik-based game that’s close to my heart and virtually impossible to find online anymore, and as such showcasing it to a larger crowd seemed like a fun idea. I’ll do a playthrough of the full game as well at some point.
- Cliff now tiles more nicely
- Added Paper and Scissors
- Fixed Museum not granting the “fully completed” star
- Fixed a case where an object could be renamed in a way that caused bugs
- ï and ë were swapped in the font
- Fixed “X Write Word” parsing as “X Is Word”
- Fixed one of Museum’s maps having unclear level icons
- Added a new level in Museum of Unused Levels
- Fixed Feeling & Not Feeling combining in a buggy way in certain cases
- Fixed Empty being unable to move twice in a turn
- Fixed a small coding error with Fear
- Fixed Empty Is You And Win And Defeat not winning even if there’s empty space left after Defeat activates
- Added some safety code for undoing after a Level icon has been destroyed
- Fixed a HUGE bug related to an object transforming to multiple objects in a single turn
- Fixed a largeish letter- & stacking-related issue
- Fixed X Is All being applied on level start
- Fixed Revert and and endgame word not working together
- Fixed two Level, Bonus & Safe interactions
- Removed some accidental duplicated code
- Fixed Empty transformation -related lua error
- Fixed “Without Not X” not working correctly
- Fixed “Empty Is All” not working
- Fixed Empty Is Revert erroring
- Objects made via “X Is All” now revert back to X
- Fixed Empty Is Not Empty erroring
- Fixed X Write Not Y causing bugs
- Added Arm
- Added Bunny
- Fixed an issue with viewing the intro cutscene
- Added Snail
- Fixed “X Is Y And All” causing bugs
- Fixed Word not behaving in certain undo conditions
- Added Simplified Chinese translation into the game
- Fixed issue with level thumbnails bugging out
- Fixed a crash related to 3D
- Fixed a rare bug where beating a levelpack could cause another levelpack to save data wrong
- Made levelpack completion icons not leave empty spots between each other when browsing them via the “Start the game” menu
- Fixed some small visual bugs in the credits
- Fixed a rare case where the level unlocking animation could be buggy due to the Broken quality
Baba coming out of their well to destroy all existence (1896, watercolours on paper)
Like with the previous piece, I had done the lineart for this already in 2020, but it took me this long to actually get to painting it. The stream painting setup worked ok again!
I tested painting on-stream, and it produced this thing! I did the lineart almost 3 years ago but never got around to colouring it. I have another similar, slightly larger piece waiting for colours so I’ll probably do another painting stream later.
Welp, it’s only 4 days into the new year but here I go again! I started working on this around ~Summer last year, but as my year-in-review post indicated, I wasn’t feeling entirely well then and left the idea on a very rough state. Even in my reinvigorated state, working on the engine didn’t feel entirely enjoyable, in part because of how custom-made everything needed to be. Anyway, I slapped things together to an acceptable state and now it’s finished!