Posts from date 2024-9:

New stuff in the gallery
Posted on 2024-09-10 03:10

I added a bunch of new art to the gallery. Or well, 'new' - the new additions are largely really old stuff from before I went to university, and mostly there to showcase the development of my art throughout the years.

Relatedly, some of the old art was so crummy in my eyes now that I added a special category for it - there's now the 'Archive' category, and pieces in it won't be shown in the normal gallery view unless you're viewing a specific timeframe, tag, or such. This way I can keep the default gallery listing a bit more curated while still including art that hasn't aged too well but was important to me in some way.

Gallery here


Tags: Other, Art

Posted on 2024-09-09 18:43

A new covemountlike! It was nice to make a really tiny thing again after months of working on Planet Keke & ESA2. Hopefully there'll be more sooner rather than later.

Check it out on!


Tags: Games, Small games, Browser games

Reactions on blog & gallery
Posted on 2024-09-05 20:09

However, I thought of a way I could still add a little fun interactive thing to the website, so here we are: when viewing a post or a gallery image, you get three options of reactions to add. Effectively they're like likes on various social media services, but I tried to make the options a bit funkier to stay true to the general vibe of the website. I hope you like them!

8 3 6

Tags: Other, Social media, Art

New gallery page!
Posted on 2024-09-05 03:25

I've been meaning to make a nice gallery page for browsing art I've made for a while now. I've used DeviantArt since something like 2006, but I've been feeling somewhat iffy about the place for a while, + it seems like my general approach to things has been converging towards "make things yourself if you're able", haha. Anyway:

Check the gallery out!

There's still a bunch of art missing, particularly really early stuff, but the "major" pieces that I'm most proud of should all be there already.

(I ended up not making a monthly post for August because there really wasn't that much to write about - game projects progressing, some nice life event stuff, that's all.)

1 1

Tags: Art, Other, Plans
