Posts from date 2024-5:

Monthly update: May 2024
Posted on 2024-05-31 15:15

First monthly recap after moving to the new blog! Once again wonder how hard it is to set up my own image-uploading system...

There are now 23 Covemountlikes in total! Apart from them, the month has been quite slow. Planet Keke has been progressing as usual, but ESA2 has been languishing due to my inability to get regular streams of it going. At the same time, Baba Is You has been unavailable on the Google Play Store due to some bureaucracy-esque nonsense; I hope I can have it handled soon but it's been a bit of a pain in the neck. Hopefully June can be a bit more active in terms of gamedev in general; I feel like I've been a bit exhausted lately.

In other news, I had a very nice housewarming party and have enjoyed my time in the new apartment! Also the cats have settled in nicely - I was a bit worried for some time about Fondue because she was being very scaredy, but that has seemed to have fixed itself with time. A friend also gave the cats a catnip-filled toy as a gift, and I recorded a video of Vilma appreciating it:

Anyway, summer is upon us; let's see what kind of news and non-news it'll offer.

Tags: Games, Planet Keke, ESA 2, Plans, Regular updates, Streaming, Small games, Pets, Other, Browser games

New blog up to date!
Posted on 2024-05-14 22:20

I've now moved all the posts on the Wordpress blog to this new system; now I just need to gather the courage to make it public (and I'm going to backup the entire webspace before doing that!)

EDIT: Alright, website backed up and blog set live! It's a shame about the lack of comments, but I've been warned very strongly against trying to roll up my own comment section code, and I can understand why. Anyway, so long Wordpress! One thing I still need to do eventually is to replace Imgur links with ones local to my own webspace because I don't entirely trust Imgur to keep them around (especially the older ones that aren't linked to any Imgur account). I wonder how annoying it'd be to set up an image-uploading system...?

Tags: Other

More Forceloop
Posted on 2024-05-03 16:45

Tags: Paper puzzles

Super Forceloop
Posted on 2024-05-01 00:06

Before I go to the new type, here’s one more Forceloop:

And here’s the new (variant) type:

This seemed like a very obvious continuation to the idea, so here we are!

Tags: Paper puzzles
