Posts from date 2023-6:
Comic, borthday + paper puzzle collection!
Posted on 2023-06-23 00:37

I made an extremely juvenile 6-page comic called Wasserkloset Destiny:Ultra! You can read it here:
My birthday was a couple days ago and a friend made me a cool birthday Baba card! It’s cool!
I’ve also updated the Paper Puzzle collection with the Equal measures puzzles, as well as a new Diagaquarium puzzle. You can see that below alongside another new Equal measures puzzle.

Tags: Art, Other, Paper puzzles
Equal measures
Posted on 2023-06-21 09:57
Hey, it’s been a while since I put out a new paper puzzle type! This one is apparently very close to various other types, especially Belarusian snake; I’m quite happy with how the puzzles feel!

And the puzzles:





Tags: Paper puzzles
Drawings and paintings!
Posted on 2023-06-07 22:07
I posted some drawings I doodled as a part of a Stars Without Number campaign my friend is running earlier this year; I’ve since drawn more of them, as well as painted a couple other small pieces, so have at you:

Tags: Art, Other
Recent stuff
Posted on 2023-06-05 17:23

I’ve been working largely on my solitaire collection; the project has grown during development, going from the initial plan of 13 solitaires or so to ~24. I’m currently working on the 17th solitaire of the bunch, and while there are a couple potentially nasty ones to implement, I should be done relatively soon. Maybe? Audio is kind of an open question at the moment, I haven’t done that for Löve2D projects before.
I put out another beta of the collection, containing 16 solitaires.

Tags: Games, Small games