Posts from date 2023-4:
Boardgame fun!
Posted on 2023-04-26 07:42

I made a small abstract boardgame! It’s so small, in fact, that all the components fit in a normal playing card box:

I’ve accumulated a lot of boardgame components over the past ~2 years because I was playing more boardgames in general and got the itch to design my own. To a large extent buying components was one of those unhealthy “I can justify this as vaguely useful and it gives me happy feelings” shopping habit things; I have currently more various game pieces, coins and other such bits than I’d probably need. Not great, but ideally I’ll eventually utilize all those bits and pieces in one way or another.
Anyway!! I recently read the book Lautapelien Historia (translates to ‘History of Boardgames‘) by Ari Saastamoinen; it was fairly interesting, although fairly lopsided in favour of chess & go. The book concentrating on abstract games (combined with the aforementioned accumulation of boardgame components) made me want to design a simple abstract boardgame. I’m not a very skilled boardgame designed but crafting the board and pieces was fun. I’ll probably post the rules here once I’m happy with them.
In other news, I’ve been steadily working on several projects for the past months. ESA2 progresses at a fairly steady pace, while the Keke rocket game and the Into the Breach -esque puzzler have had some chugs in development, followed usually by bursts of activity. On top of these 3 there’s also a collection of solitaires I’ve been making in Löve2D, inspired, again, by the Zachtronics Solitaire Collection. Compared to the others, this game is a bit more limited in scope, and as such I managed to even put out a beta version with 8 solitaires included (including Babataire & Babataire EX, now with more appropriate names)! You can download that version on

Tags: Games, Boardgames, ESA 2, Small games, Other
Baba Is You update 1.11 on Nintendo Switch (version 477)
Posted on 2023-04-11 16:00
- Cliff now tiles more nicely
- Added Paper and Scissors
- Fixed Museum not granting the “fully completed” star
- Fixed a case where an object could be renamed in a way that caused bugs
- ï and ë were swapped in the font
- Fixed “X Write Word” parsing as “X Is Word”
- Fixed one of Museum’s maps having unclear level icons
- Added a new level in Museum of Unused Levels
- Fixed Feeling & Not Feeling combining in a buggy way in certain cases
- Fixed Empty being unable to move twice in a turn
- Fixed a small coding error with Fear
- Fixed Empty Is You And Win And Defeat not winning even if there’s empty space left after Defeat activates
- Added some safety code for undoing after a Level icon has been destroyed
- Fixed a HUGE bug related to an object transforming to multiple objects in a single turn
- Fixed a largeish letter- & stacking-related issue
- Fixed X Is All being applied on level start
- Fixed Revert and and endgame word not working together
- Fixed two Level, Bonus & Safe interactions
- Removed some accidental duplicated code
- Fixed Empty transformation -related lua error
- Fixed “Without Not X” not working correctly
- Fixed “Empty Is All” not working
- Fixed Empty Is Revert erroring
- Objects made via “X Is All” now revert back to X
- Fixed Empty Is Not Empty erroring
- Fixed X Write Not Y causing bugs
- Added Arm
- Added Bunny
- Fixed an issue with viewing the intro cutscene
- Added Snail
- Fixed “X Is Y And All” causing bugs
- Fixed Word not behaving in certain undo conditions
- Added Simplified Chinese translation into the game
- Fixed issue with level thumbnails bugging out
- Fixed a crash related to 3D
- Fixed a rare bug where beating a levelpack could cause another levelpack to save data wrong
- Made levelpack completion icons not leave empty spots between each other when browsing them via the “Start the game” menu
- Fixed some small visual bugs in the credits
- Fixed a rare case where the level unlocking animation could be buggy due to the Broken quality
Tags: Games, Baba Is You
Font images!
Posted on 2023-04-06 20:44

I’ve drawn a ton of different fonts over the years for various games without really thinking about it that much further. Some time ago I wondered if it’d be cool to extract them from the Fusion project files and put them available for download, and seeing the cool font packages by SysL convinced me to do it.
Sadly, since I have very low skills at fontmaking, I wasn’t able to figure out FontForge (suggested by Shinmera) to make TTF files to accompany the fonts; so for now, the bundle contains just a spritesheet with the symbols. Hopefully this can change later.
Anyway, check the fonts here!Tags: Games, Art, Other