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Posts from date 2022-10:
The Plumber ThingPosted on 2022-10-29 12:20 I made a small puzzle metroidvania as a part of the Click-or-Treat Halloween bundle this month! It was fun to make a silly side thing, although I did end up crunching a bit to get it done in time. You can find the bundle here ($9): https://itch.io/b/1601/click-or-treat-2022 The game itself is here ($2, Windows only): https://hempuli.itch.io/the-plumber-thing There have been some other new things I should make a blog post about! I’ll try to get that done eventually!!! Anyway, happy Halloween and whatnot. Tags: Games, Happenings, Other jams, Small games, PlansReturn
Tags: Games, Happenings, Other jams, Small games, Plans
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