Posts from date 2021-6:

Field trespass
Posted on 2021-06-12 15:47

Would you look at that, here we go again! Jack Lance from the puzzle game Discord server had pointed out that the Shared field puzzle type could be more interesting if the fields couldn’t contain other letters than the ones designated for them. I didn’t initially like this idea too much, but I guess it stuck in my mind because I later came up with the concept of adding diagonal lines to the mix to allow for more varied field shapes (probably inspiration came from Portponky‘s Subway puzzle type!)

The format isn’t maybe visually my favourite, but people have commented on it positively and I’m very happy about that!

Tags: Paper puzzles

Limited Alike!
Posted on 2021-06-01 07:51

I was pondering how to improve Alike, the puzzle type I invented earlier, and got a really great suggestion for a rule addition from
Martin “Menderbug” Ender. Thanks a lot for that! I think this variant is in some ways much more interesting!

(Updated, thanks to Menderbug for the fix!)

Aaand here’s another Alike with the original ruleset:

Tags: Paper puzzles
