Posts from date 2020-10:
Comics! For years!
Posted on 2020-10-26 16:11
Hello! It’s been quite dead here again (again) again.

I finally gathered my energy and collected together all the comics I had made to Kompleksi-lehti, the magazine of my student organization. I’ve been doing illustrations and comics for the magazine since 2012 or 2013; the earlier contributions are mostly terrible but starting at around 2014 I started drawing a comic for the quadri-annual publication more regularly and it’s been the main way for me to find moments to do traditional art for several years now.
The quality of the comics has fluctuated a bunch, but I’ve mostly been quite happy with the results so I’m very grateful for the editorial staff for letting me do this for so long.
Unfortunately for most of you, the comics are in Finnish and contain a metric boatload of psychology-themed puns; however, if you feel inclined to learn and/or already know the language, feel free to dive in.Tags: Art, Other