Posts from date 2020-1:
Progress post #131: Editor & ESA
Posted on 2020-01-30 07:09

I streamed today, after a week or so of not getting much done game development-wise. Phew! Baba got some work done on the editor; it’s coming together and even though there’s still lots to do, I realized that I’m possibly closer to being done than I previously thought. That’s encouraging!
On ESA 2’s side, I worked further on making the level editor work in a zoomed-in mode, to make dealing with small tiles nicer. I also shrunk the in-game font and HUD elements to have them not fill the game window as much. All in all, small things but progress nonetheless!Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates
Progress post #130: Is the answer going to be 8 pixels?
Posted on 2020-01-22 01:59

The image above is pretty terrible, all things considered, but I’m feeling a bit more hopeful about the future of ESA 2 at this point. I decided to turn back to 8×8 tiling again, after years of work with 12×12 tiling; this’ll hopefully make progress faster (once I figure the colours out) and help alleviate my disappointment with the visual style of the game. Now just to get everything working on this new, lower resolution, and we should be good to go ahead (finally!)Tags: Games, ESA 2, Streaming, Regular updates
Baba people!
Posted on 2020-01-20 04:28

Tags: Art, Baba Is You
Progress post #129: 2020!
Posted on 2020-01-04 08:36

Welcome to the new year! I have some hopefully exciting plans regarding this year; I’ll announce those as they become relevant. For now, work on Baba’s editor has continued at a slowish pace and that’s pretty much it. I’ve added line, rectangle & flood fill tools, implemented some very important underlying systems and in general tried to finally get onwards from the object list system; it affects the codebase very heavily so implementing it neatly is very important, but it’s hard to have the patience to actually go through with that neatness.
Baba was nominated in a bunch of awards at the end of last year, including The Game Awards & Golden Joystick awards. Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds took the prizes, but I don’t mind too much because both seem to be really unique and amazing games. (I wouldn’t entirely mind some awards, though.)Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates, Happenings