Posts from date 2019-6:

Stumblehill is here!
Posted on 2019-06-27 04:26

Finally, about a year after appearing as part of a Humble Monthly, Stumblehill has been released as a freeware game! It was a very exciting project to work on because I had never done anything quite like it before; using HD art was pretty much a first for me, and making a game as a commission was also very much new.

Anna Magdalino did excellent work on the audio, as did Lucy Green on the writing! Extreme thanks to them for their hard work.

Check the game out on the official site!

Tags: Games, Small games, Other

Progress post #121: Stuff
Posted on 2019-06-19 07:26

Another stream! Some Baba bugfixing and re-implementing things such as enemy behviour and editor tools in ESA 2. I’m starting to see some familiar patterns of aesthetical unpleasantness in ESA 2, and would very much like to deal with those right now so that I don’t have to keep developing the game with an increasing sense of not being a fan of the look of it. Hopefully something more concrete presents itself.

Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates

Progress post #120: Bump
Posted on 2019-06-15 10:47

Another stream where I worked on three different games! ESA got a much-needed little fix, ESA 2 went forward some and Baba saw a couple bugfixes as well. I also implemented a system that makes it easier to understand what’s happening when an object tries to move but is immediately returned to its origin, as seen above.

There’s so much stuff to do! I had a vacation of sorts last week but had to spend it preparing for an exam – another week would’ve been very much welcome. As it is, progress on these various projects is ponderous but at least I haven’t burned out.

I’ve been playing Cultist Simulator again, and combined with Sunless Skies I’m feeling a foolish urge to try to make something story-driven. I don’t think I’d actually be able to make anything sensible story-wise, though.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, ESA, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming, Plans
