Posts from date 2019-1:
Ludum Dare 43 results!
Posted on 2019-01-01 21:32

Trying to learn to use this new block system of WordPress’…
So! LD #43 ended last weekend, and the results are in. My game, Ludum Dare Simulator, fared fairly well, all things considered! There were 765 Compo entries in total, and my entry managed top100 in 4 categories:
- 15th in Humor
- 23rd in Innovation
- 58th in Overall
- 88th in Fun
I guess I really banked on that humour value. Anyway, I’m pretty happy with the results! It’d be fun to make another overly ambitious LD game one day a lá Apocalypse Adventure and Badland Quest, but we’ll see when that happens; it’s not like I don’t have well enough stuff in the works already.
Also check out these other entries:
- Devil Cult Party by the LD master FrankieSmileShow
- The Sacrifice by caeonosphere
Anyway, happy new year! Now back to work on Baba, once I’ve played some games…Tags: Games, Ludum Dare, Small games, Other