Posts from date 2018-3:

Progress post #98: PENGUIN
Posted on 2018-03-12 03:23

I had a massive 8+-hour stream yesterday and another of some 4-5 hours today; I spent most of those working on the penguin game (now titled “Stumblehill”). I’d like to get the game’s levels done before GDC but that’s looking somewhat unlikely. I finished the second level on Saturday and worked on the game’s map today. It seems that the biggest slowing factor is the need for extra assets, and hopefully the third level won’t be quite as demanding in that regard.

I’ll be leaving for the Game Developers Conference on the 18th of March! From there it’ll be a week of probably outrageous amounts of social interaction and receiving Baba compliments from various directions. I’m not *super* stressed about this but I’m sure it’s a force that affects my mood on the background. It’d be really cool to get a prize in the IGF! The beginning week will probably be mostly work on first Stumblehill, then making sure that Baba works at GDC.

What else… 7drl was last week and I started making some simple prototypes but (maybe luckily?) I couldn’t concentrate on them much due to all this vidyagame hubbub.


Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Small games, Happenings, GDC, Other, Other jams, Plans, Regular updates, Streaming

Link to the discord
Posted on 2018-03-11 11:25

Hi! A bunch of people had requested a link to the new Discord; sorry about replying so slowly. Here’s a 10-person invite:

Link To Discord


Tags: Discord
