Posts from date 2017-8:
Weekly progress posts #77 and #78: I guess I’ll do this now
Posted on 2017-08-31 02:45

So, last time I streamed I promised a weekly update for the next day. As it turns out I forgot to do that and here we are, over a week has passed with no weekly updates. Whoops!! I’m also 2 updates late to begin with. WHOOPS!!! I can’t remember at all what I did during the stream I didn’t make an update of, so let’s just leave it at that.
Today I added more words to Baba, along with some little graphical polish in preparation to changes to how the sprites are positioned on-screen. Stuff was tedious, yo, but now it’s done and that’s good. One of the new words can be seen in the gif above.
Last weekend I was at the Sommerhus Game Jam in Vellerup, Denmark. It was a fun cozy tiny little jam, there being about 10 people attending in total. The theme was ‘Me’, but I ended up working on Baba most of the time (along with having saunas and doing other summer cottagey things). I had a couple ideas but mostly they were too ambitious or I lacked the motivation to create them. I did finish a tiny thing, so if you’re interested you can download that here.

Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Small games, Other jams, Regular updates, Streaming
Space invaders!
Posted on 2017-08-27 13:22
…Implemented in Baba Is You:

Tags: Games, Baba Is You
Markov things
Posted on 2017-08-20 01:17
I put parts of Lord of the Rings script and recipes into the generator:

(Some of the later ones use only the script and no recipes because I accidentally overwrote the recipes that best fit with the script + the results weren’t that interesting.)Tags: Other, Procedural generation
Weekly progress post #76: Recipes
Posted on 2017-08-16 13:12

Today’s stream was kind of a silly one; I spent most of it working on a markov chain recipe generator. I had made the generator itself last spring, but the recipes I used then were written by random people and thus had fairly different ways to express themselves, making the generation less interesting. On top of that I was a bit uncomfortable with showing the generator off with the data being recipes ripped from the internet. Today I went and dug up an old Chinese cookbook I have and started adding recipes from that instead; the book is from 1984 and old enough that tofu wasn’t a common thing in the west yet (it’s referred to as “bean cheese”). Since the book is in Finnish, I had to translate it on the fly which probably butchered a lot of the grammar, but at least now I have something I can actually show off! As can be seen in the gif above, there’s a lot of repetition (I think I have 7 or 8 recipes in the database atm); I suspect there might be a bug in the algorithm itself because there are large parts of recipes that basically never show up in the generated ones. Gotta look at that! Fun projects.
Baba was also worked on; I implemented a level selection dialogue for when a level has a more difficult variant available. This has been on my to-do list for a long time now but various things (laziness, The International 2017) have reduced my motivation to actually get it done. The way the variants themselves are implement is terrible right now so that’ll need some looking at. As a nice side effect of this work, I separated the names of the levels into a separate file because previously they had been stored in a very nonsensical way that is somewhat hard to explain. Progress!Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Procedural generation, Streaming, Regular updates, Other
Another little thing
Posted on 2017-08-13 23:51

Tags: Games, Baba Is You
A little thing
Posted on 2017-08-09 02:19

Tags: Games, Baba Is You
Weekly progress post #75: A bit of everything
Posted on 2017-08-07 02:55

I actually managed to work on both Baba and ESA2 on today’s stream. In Baba, I implemented some map-related things to make it more polished. I also started working on a fairly cool special effect but ended up giving up on that because it would’ve required me to rework some very base-level code and would also have caused some entirely new graphical issues to solve.
In ESA 2, I implemented the intro for a new (old) boss. Said boss still needs a bunch of graphical work but I have the general idea of the fight in my head so getting to implementing the actual fight should be fairly smooth.
I also dabbled a bit with my chess pathfinder and fixed a bug in how bishops behave if they’re looking for a path to a square that they can’t actually land on.
I’m currently in a state of mind where I have a whole bunch of projects I’d like to dabble with but kinda know that I wouldn’t have the motivation to actually work on them. I think I’ll do a little classic roguelike project at some point but maybe it’d be for the best not to do even that.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I think I skipped a stream & a weekly update due to Ludum Dare last week! I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll make a post about the Dare when I remember and have the energy.Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Plans, Ludum Dare, Streaming, Regular updates