Posts from date 2017-2:
Posted on 2017-02-19 02:20

Tags: Games, ESA 2
Weekly progress post #52: Ground pound
Posted on 2017-02-18 02:20
Today’s stream was pretty productive, yay! I added a new enemy, two new rooms (both are WIP, though), a story-related system, some minigame stuff and a new functionality to a powerup. That last one turned out to be especially neat; the powerup in question had felt somewhat limited before. All in all I feel that ESA 2 will have a much better powerup lineup than ESA 1. :)
There’ll be an extra stream tomorrow, so I think I’ll get a screenshot saturday gif from there!!!
Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming
Weekly progress post #51: Minigames
Posted on 2017-02-08 01:11

Today I started work on redoing a thing that I’ve been very unhappy about in ESA 2 for a longer time; there’s a sort of a minigame related to the teleport system that I implemented really clunkily back when I initially started working on the game, to the point where I kind of dreaded working with it later on (especially since I’ve forgotten how it works, exactly). The new implementation is way better and I’m surprisingly close to the stage where I stopped working on the system previously! This implementation will also support other minigame-type things better, although I wont talk more about those now because I kinda want to keep them under the wraps. A new room was also finished, along with some work on that fantasy RPG battle cinematics thing seen above. All in all, a very fun stream! :)Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming, Small games
Adventure cards!
Posted on 2017-02-02 01:48

A friend requested me to draw some cards for their tabletop game, and here we are. It was a lot of fun to make these, especially since I wanted to try to make those “proper” border patterns etc. Also got to extensively try out these new inks my girlfriend bought me (thanks <3)!! The result is very homemade-looking but I'm very happy with these in any case. The font used is Avara.
Deviantart link to the cardsTags: Art, Other
Weekly progress post #50: Well, this is a bit unfortunate
Posted on 2017-02-01 23:23

Hahah, I didn’t realize that the 50th progress post would be now! Oh well. Today’s stream was shorter than usual due to other things, but I feel that I managed to work on ESA 2 fairly nicely – A new enemy and a new room were added! I wasn’t intending to add a gif this week, but I guess I ought to celebrate this milestone somehow so there we go. I’ll try to have an extra stream later this week.Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming