Posts from date 2015-6:

Game development streams on Tuesdays!
Posted on 2015-06-10 04:22

I streamed some game development yesterday and today at, and it was quite a bit of fun; thanks to everyone who was there! :) After this experience I thought it’d be neat to start streaming game development more regularly, so for now I’ve decided that I’ll stream something every Tuesday. We’ll see how that goes.

Tags: Games, Streaming, Plans

Podcast about ESA with!
Posted on 2015-06-05 19:22

We discussed the game’s design and various related subjects which have also been touched slightly in the post-mortem. It was a lot of fun to talk about the game and the people at are really cool!


In other news, I’m going to make some updates sometime soonish (possibly next week?) Going to make a proper announcement a bit later. HANG ONTO YOUR SEATS!!?

Tags: Games, ESA, Other, Plans
