Posts from date 2011-9:

Masjin 1.9b
Posted on 2011-09-26 02:21

The old port (65002) was broken, so I had to make this quickfix to migrate to 6121. Also a couple bugs are fixed, but all in all there isn’t much new.


Tags: Games, Masjin

Masjin server port has changed, duh!
Posted on 2011-09-22 20:32

The old port was 65002. It turns out Jamie changed this to 65000, which is of course a much neater and rounder number. Once I get the editor done I’ll put up a version with this changed.

(alternate ‘good’ ports are 6121 and 6122)


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-09-13 01:05

Version 1.9 is out! After a week-long battle with the server it’s finally here; though since I didn’t want to delay it further, most of the bigger promised additions are absent. Changelog:

* New server build! This is most probably a good thing, and will later allow IP-bans and such.
* Dedicated server! Thanks, Jamie and Mathias, you guys rock!
* New research subject – shopping time for the engineers!
* Ninja cloak was removed from research; it’s now available right away.
* Various bugfixes
* If a player breaks down (is left swimming mid-air, immortal etc), the game attempts to remove them so that they can’t spoil the game for others.
* Emoticons (sorta!) – push number buttons and experience beauty!
* Something else, possibly, can’t just remember what


In other news, Once in Space was reviewed at!


Tags: Games, Masjin, Small games

Abloobloo Lacewing build #19
Posted on 2011-09-08 01:16

So, the creator of Lacewing, Jamie, has updated the network extension to a new version, with a lot of new stuff to have fun with. Problem is, there are still some little bugs and at the moment Masjin can’t really be updated until he fixes certain data-sending related things. I was quite worried today when the game suddenly stopped working, but I’ll try to contact him tomorrow.


Tags: Games, Masjin, Other

Masjin gets publicity, sweet!
Posted on 2011-09-05 21:29

I noted a couple days ago that Masjin was mentioned (again) on the indiegames blog, and now there has also been a mention at Rock, Paper, Shotgun! Sweet stuff, thanks for informing me about these.

Indieblog link
RPS link


Tags: Games, Masjin

Masjin 1.8b
Posted on 2011-09-03 01:27

Ok, here it is.
* Added banning! Banned players are put into a blacklist in the game folder, so you can conveniently remove them if needed. Type ‘/ban USERNAME’ in-game to ban a player. Due to me using an outdated version of Lacewing, bans are username-based so they’re VERY easy to dodge. Working on that; I’ll try to update Lacewing and hope it doesn’t break everything.
* Mucus grenade buffed significantly, maybe even too significantly!
* Engineer’s shop changed a lot; now you need to stand still a while before you get to the shop, but at least the prices are back to normal.
* Added two more slopes to the builder.
* Joining a game should be much less of a hassle. I fear though that there might be bugs in this.

Yes indeed


Tags: Games, Masjin
