Posts from date 2011-4:

Posted on 2011-04-28 00:48

There we go, another update for Masjin.
* Two new gamemodes, sandbox and ‘hold the flag’, the latter of which may be horribly broken!
* bugfixes
* Some price balancing

Bing bong, unless there’s some Really Really horribad bug in there that I’ve overlooked, this may be one of the last updates for Masjin for a while. I’ve got to work on some projects that I (currently) consider more urgent!


Tags: Games, Masjin

Taking a break from Masjin to work on other stuffery
Posted on 2011-04-24 14:30

So, after 3+ weeks of daily updates to Masjin, I’m having a break from it in order to work on other games. And study. I doubt anyone is reading this blog at this point, but let’s have a summary of projects:
Beyond the Black Hole: Kinda frozen again. I’m stuck in level 14, but I’m quite sure I’ll eventually finish this.
It’s a frickin’ cave: Frozen as well. The code is very sloppy and buggy so in order to keep working I should recode big parts of it. This makes me not want to continue.

Currently I’m concentrating on making Paradise Fort fully flash. I’m currently doing it as a collaboration with Jeanes, a friend(?) of mine who’s really good at graphical design and has done several really good games and would-be-games. As far as I know, he’s had a bit of problem with finding a coder, though.

Anyway, here’s how the game looks at the moment:


Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Masjin, FIG

Posted on 2011-04-20 00:53

* Lots of bugfixes!
* New item, the levitating mine
* You can now select the shape of the level
* Pressing F1 in-game makes everyone update the flag positions
* Cybermasons now get money from kills.


Tags: Games, Masjin

Beautiful Spring
Posted on 2011-04-19 13:56

I just had an extremely enjoyable walkie with my dog. Spring is quickly progressing here in Finland, and it’s already warm enough to walk without a jacket (about +11 degrees celcius). We live on the northern side of a hill, so the snow melts really slowly here, but nevertheless there’s much less of it than a week or so ago. However, there’s a larger patch of it on the small field our neighbour owns, and our dog took his time to play around in the snow before we got home.
Our dog is a Tibetan Mastiff and weighs nearly 65 kilograms, so it’s pretty funny to see him rolling in the snow.

Tags: Other

Masjin server down! …Is No Longer
Posted on 2011-04-18 23:57

It’s down. I’ll try to figure out why and for long, but try this server hosting app during that:

Here we go again, it was temporary.


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-17 01:31

* Capture the flag!
* A menu where you can set some parameters for the game before hosting.
* The game list now shows the number of players.
* The builder is now slightly faster.

Get it derp


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-16 01:36

* New logo
* Made the winning/losing screens better. Still needs a lot of work though!
* Balanced some prices
* Fixed bugs
* Players now get a radar in the beginning of the round, and dirt bombs don’t work at the control point.

Hopefully this bombardment of updates will slow down eventually so that I can make other blogposts as well!!


Tags: Games, Masjin

Posted on 2011-04-15 00:54

1.7 is now finished! Kinda cool, and seeing that I started counting at 1.46 or so the game has progressed quite a few versions! Anyway:

* Lowered prices again.
* Added two new research subjects, digging speed and healing. Also added one new level to ninja research.
* Made the poison more potent.
* New item, the dirt bomb!
* I redesigned the control point to make it less tight.
* Radar is now back, hopefully it works this time around.
* Bugfixes, mostly small but I hopefully fixed one bigger one, related to joining to games.


Tags: Games, Masjin

1.69c! What the darn
Posted on 2011-04-13 21:42

* Made the lobby even nicer
* Added the ninja
* Ninja cloaking is a research subject
* Fixed two really stupid bugs and a couple smaller ones
* Altered the prices a bit
* Added the poison bomb
* More bugfixes
* Another new item, the radar – reveals invisible units! This may be VERY VERY overpowered, though!
* More balancing to the ninja and such.
* Base code for the rest of the research subjects; they’re not implemented yet.



Tags: Games, Masjin

1.67, actually
Posted on 2011-04-12 10:38

* Bugfixes, such as the one related to turrets.
* Implemented the vehicle lock. Now all vehicles are ‘locked’ to their respective team, and the other team needs to ‘unlock’ them to get to use them. Unlocked vehicles are free-for-all, but the loyalty chip (below) can lock them again.
* A new item, the loyalty chip, that instantly makes a “teamless” machine locked to your team.
* You can now view a changelog for the new updates.
* Really unfinished research. You can currently only research bonus health up to 200 hp.
* Missiles now do more damage to people in vehicles.


Tags: Games, Masjin

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