Ludum Dare #19 – ‘Discovery’
Posted on 2010-12-20 18:29

Herp a derp – I’ve been quite silent for some time but I can assure you that I’m working on stuff! Anyhow, Ludum Dare was this weekend and after some stressed pondering about a game idea I came up with one and actually finished the darn thing!
I made a silly little roguelikeish called It’s A Frickin’ Cave, and I think I’ll work it further since it plays quite nicely and just needs more content. The theme was ‘Discovery’, but I kind of forgot that during the action.

Play the game through THIS LINK! It’s all flash so don’t worry about downloading stuff!

I also made a neat timelapse of the game. There’s some gameplay footage in the end, too, so jump to 4:28 or so to see it!

(Broken video)

Whoops, almost forgot a screenshot!

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Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Procedural generation
