Too much stuff going on
Posted on 2010-11-08 00:13

Those… two(?) of you who’ve read the blog through may already have noticed the bane of my game-creation progress: I get projects going, they go nicely for a while and then WHOOP they give birth to two new, unrelated projects and the same continues until I finally manage to complete one of them and then leave the rest to die. I don’t like it, my morivation just kinda jumps from one thing to another. I hope something miraculous will happen in the future to cure this. Maybe I should just realize that one has to try to shamble through the tedious parts and not just seek fun in game creation?

Anyway, I’ll list my current stuff here:
Beyond the Black Hole: I’m quite confident I’ll eventually finish this, slowly though. I also thought of maybe redoing the current game to remove the keyboard control – it might be more appealing to Your Average Gamer if it was mouse-only.
World Generator: The generator itself is sleeping but I’m working on a game that might work with it. More about it later.
Excavatorrr 2: I have several ideas for this, but at the same I’m thinking that the game might benefit greatly from flash. However, several attempts with MMF 2 flash export have proven that I have to actually learn AS3 before I can get it to work without lag.
The ‘fourth’ thing I mentioned earlier quite much died in silence. I’m still adding some things to it but I don’t have high hopes about its survival.

Currently I’ve been looking forward to make some neat flash game so that I could try more the financial side of gaming. I wouldn’t want to actually sell games, that’d just lower the player interest and make me feel bad, but there’s a lot of money in flash games, even on the ad revenue level. I’ve been pondering several types of games, but my mind has lately settled to some sort of a castlevania/VVVVVV-like thing. Since we’re aiming for those silly casual gamers here, the game shouldn’t be too complicated to play, har har.
Part of the reason I posted those Apocalypse Adventure videos down there is because I’ve also been more interested in games with similar gameplay lately. Ideally, the World Generater Game would fill this slot very well, I’d just need to add some post-apocalyptic stuff to it, so I thought that since I’m working on that, I could use the same engine for a non-PCG game. There’s not much of it yet, however, I’ve been concentrating on graphics. I got a weird idea – if I make some graphics first, it might feel less of a chore to make the actual code.
Anyway, here they are. I started with the normal guy and the skeleton, and since Minecraft is a nice game I thought that I’d add the rest of them. Creeper will not appear in the World Generator game! Sorry!

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Tags: Games, Plans, FIG, World generator, Excavatorrr
