More stupid old videos
Posted on 2010-11-06 02:49

I looked back through my ‘finished games’ -folder and found Apocalypse Adventure, a Ludum Dare entry I actually made some posts about on this blog! So not THAT old. Anyway, the game had a similar fate to Excavatorrr – it was way too hard to control and play, so everyone nodded their heads in “yes neat game, quite huge for 48 hours” and then turned away. So in order to get some people actually see what kind of buggy craziness I had going in the game, I recorded a full playthrough. There’s also the old, non-full playthrough at vimeo, but it’s bad quality and overall stupid.
Anyway, here they are in order:

(Broken video)
(Broken video)
(Broken video)


On other news, I submitted the demo of BtBH to the Independent gaming festival’s student showcase competition, and the entry list has been published.

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Tags: Games, Ludum Dare, Happenings, GDC
