Adjustments to the Paper Puzzle Collection
Posted on 2025-03-13 00:17

I thought it was about time that I divide the paper puzzle collection PDF into multiple smaller collections; I have nearly 50 paper puzzle types around and the collection was already getting overly long. I decided to make 4 sub-collections with 12 types each, and they're now available on the usual game page.

Check out the new sub-collections here

While doing this work, I also refined the overall collection slightly:
- Multitapa, a slightly janky type from last autumn, is now included
- Limited Alike & Celltinels have the World Puzzle Championship puzzles listed
- Forceloop has a couple extra puzzles that I didn't list previously for whatever reason
- Elastic loop & T-junction are now included, and I updated the visuals of Elastic loop based on a suggestion from X_Sheep. Thanks!
- For the types that have been implemented either in, Puzzle Square or Pedro's Kudamono editor, I've now listed links to those implementations. Huge thanks to X_Sheep and Pedro for said implementations!
- All types now have a month listed alongside the year they were invented

While doing this, I noted that the LITSalike type still has no puzzles listed for it; I should finally take a look at this and see if they could be included or if I should just take the type out entirely. I also noticed a couple puzzle images that aren't in the collection; I suspect some/most of them aren't in there for a good reason, but I want to take a proper look in case there's a neat puzzle somewhere that could be included.

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Tags: Paper puzzles, Other, Games
