Excavatorrr silliness.
Posted on 2010-09-14 14:33

It’s coming close to the one-year anniversary of the game this blog started with. I think it’s my personal favourite among my games, though due to certain stupidity from my part it didn’t really get much attention anywhere. Anyway, esq at #tigIRC wanted to see a video about it, so I took my time and made my first Movie Maker video to showcase some of the cooler bits of that game. I thought it might be nice to make some sort of a collection of the deeper mechanics behind the game, since about 5 players out of the few thousand who downloaded it enjoyed it enough to actually play for more than a few minutes. Eh, I sound stupidly bitter here, but the fault was really on my coding.

(Broken video)

AAANYYYWAYY, I like the video and I hope you like it too!

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Tags: Excavatorrr, Small games, Games, Procedural generation
