Monthly update: June 2024
Posted on 2024-07-09 07:50

A month went by, yet again! I had my birthday and visited the summer cottage with some friends and so on, but game-wise not much happened. I had a phase of low motivation for most of the month, so it was difficult to get much of anything done, but luckily this started going away towards the end of the month (or maybe at the start of July? It's hard to remember).

In any case, ESA 2 and Planet Keke have been progressing at their semi-usual pace. As the previous paragraph implies, said pace has increased a bit over the past week or two, which I'm really happy about! It feels like there have been more gifs to share, too, so the progress has also been slightly more visible.

All in all, though, nothing too exciting. Let's try again next month!

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Tags: Regular updates, Games, Planet Keke, ESA 2
