Monthly update: January 2024
Posted on 2024-02-01 10:56

The year has started with a lot going on. Games-wise, the important thing is that I’ve released 6 little browser-based block-pushing puzzle games. It all started with being inspired by a discussion about movement counters in puzzle games in the Thinky Puzzles Discord server, and at this point I’ve actually managed to get out a couple longer-time puzzle ideas that have occupied my brain but not felt inspiring enough to implement. I’ve some more ideas for tiny browser puzzlers, so look forward to that, I guess. Here’re the current ones, in order of release:
- Covemount
- That’s a Warp
- Pultimush
- Lorgeban
- Nabogorf
- Mountinuum
In other news, I adopted a second cat, Fondue! A lot of January was spent on getting her more used to the house, me, and Vilma, and while there’s still ways to go especially when it comes to playing with Vilma, she’s progressed amazingly!

I also recorded a series of videos on Youtube about her process of getting used to her new home. You can watch them from the start here!
Due to me being ill, having some worries, and taking care of Fondue-Vilma relations, I failed to start my weekly streaming. I’m currently trying to get that sorted out but my daily schedule has been even more chaotic than usual due to the cats so it’s a work-in-progress.
Tags: Games, Regular updates, Pets, Streaming, Small games, Covemountlikes, Browser games