Just Wow, not in a good way.
Posted on 2010-08-28 02:51

Ergh, my account got temporarily suspended tonight because the hoster had detected possible malware/virus content. At first they reported only one file, which I deleted, but it turned out there was much more wrong with the files, so after some struggling I decided to remove all the content altogether from the site, and then add it back after extensive virus checking.

Turns out things weren’t as bad as I initially feared; while there seem to be some files that were genuinely infected with malware/virii, most of the game files seem to not have been affected. Currently I’m checking every file with VirusTotal and adding them back once they’ve got good results.

What’s strange about the matter is that certain games which were reported as malware only get the result when I test the files uploaded on my webspace. The files on my hard-drive generally don’t get any kind of alarm. This makes me wonder how the files uploaded can have been infected. Of course, this makes my job easier: I can just replace the infected files with fresh ones. Still annoying, and I apologize to anyone who may have downloaded possibly infected content from my site. Sorry.

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