World Puzzle Championship 2022
Posted on 2023-08-08 20:24

Last year I was given the opportunity to make some paper puzzles for the World Puzzle Championship, held in Poland. It was suggested that out of the genres I’ve come up with, Celltinels and Limited Alike might be the best suited for the job, so I ended up making 4 puzzles of varying difficulties for both genres (and an extra Celltinels puzzle for reasons I’m slightly hazy about – I think it was an alternative version of the 3rd puzzle in the set in case the first one was too hard or too easy?) This was really cool and I’m happy I was asked to make them! Thanks! I also do hope that my kinda happy-go-lucky approach to puzzle design didn’t cause too much stress…

There was a one-year embargo on releasing the puzzles outside the event, and that has now passed so after seeing the fellow puzzle designer Menderbug release theirs, I thought I’d go ahead and do the same.

First, here are the rules for both genres as reminders:

Celltinels rules, formatted in a very awkward way because this was one of the first paper puzzletypes I ever made. Click for big.

Note! The clue numbers block the “vision” of other clues!

And here are the puzzles:

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Tags: Paper puzzles, Other, Happenings
