Comic, games + more
Posted on 2023-07-08 00:42

First of all, I made another little comic!

Second of all, I went and updated the website so that there are no more imgur links in the game screenshots; I noticed that some of those links had died and it made sense to go for entirely local images. I should eventually also add local download links for those games that only offer an link, I think. We’ll see. I also shuffled the games around a bit because I felt that some notably tiny games were in the “medium games” category and vice versa. Also some games graduated to the “big games” category! I should really rethink the category system altogether…

Third of all, the paper puzzle collection has been updated with the latest puzzle types like Equal measures and Diagaquarium.

Fourth of all – I made Masjin available again! The server’s still dead, but at least you can download the game (and the server hosting tool is likewise available again).

Fifth and final of all, have some screenshots of the games I’m working on:

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Planet Keke, Masjin, Old games, Paper puzzles, Other, Plans, Small games
