Posted on 2023-05-20 12:53

Would you look at that: another abstract 2-player game! Like with paper puzzles, it seems that once I get into the mood, it tends to last for multiple things before I run out of steam.

Malsymmetric is probably the messiest of the three I’ve put on (and also messier than the 4×4 one I haven’t posted on Itch but posted pics of earlier). I hope this won’t be too much of a problem, because the playtime appears to also be rather short. I playtested this (and the others) on, which I can recommend for simple boardgame designs, but I’ve (again) gotten the hankering of implementing a personal BGA-style rules-enforced boardgame engine, both for ease of testing and fun.

You can check out the rules and more images on!

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