Sci-fi TTRPG doodles
Posted on 2023-02-02 07:44

I’ve been participating in a Stars Without Number TTRPG campaign led by a friend, and doodling about the various things we’ve seen throughout it. I thought I had posted some earlier doodles here but I guess not. Anyway, here’s some art!

Space elevator and my character’s bus that he drives

Random stuff

Harrison’s, the space motel owned by the family of one of our characters

The Shelter, a desert town of Shady People

Hideout of one of our characters, Olive

Spaceship designs

Space snacks inspired by Uramachi Sakaba

Space yakitori stand

Shay, a bird person who owns(?) an auction house

Desert hideout

A droid we found in our ship

Flying in the Fold (with an inscrutable Finnish pun)

Welp, that was quite a bit of stuff. Oh well.

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