Babataire EX & Once In Space 2007
Posted on 2022-11-20 20:01

Another HTML5 solitaire, Babataire EX! This one is way less refined and more chaotic than the previous one, but this one actually features rule-changing elements like Baba Is You! I’m reasonably happy with the result, but I think I’ll adjust the design a bit in the coming days.

Play it on!

In other news, I’ve scoured my archives but couldn’t find any source files for the original Once in Space from 2007! That’s really odd because I’ve tended to care about archiving stuff a lot, even too much, and I would’ve expected that I’d for sure have saved some project file or another. I wonder what happened there.

Anyway, I noticed that if the existing executable is launched with the -NOF command, the game-breaking fullscreen resolution-switching goes away and the game’s current build is actually playable! I set up a zip with a .bat file to get this effect, and included also an earlier build that for some reason exists; someone told me they’d be interested in playing the original. Warning: it’s extremely finicky!

Download it here! (8,4 Mb)

Ugh, back when I thought having a “game studio” was important

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Tags: Games, Old games, Small games, Other, Browser games, Baba Is You
