Happy new year!
Posted on 2021-01-01 03:22

Yes, that – good luck in 2021. Since paper puzzles have been the “thing” for me this year, I’ll end it with one more: Ilotulite (Finnish for “firework”)! This is the second attempt at the idea; the first one was more of a joke and not very good.

(Click for big!)

Here are some puzzles:

I’ve also been working on a small tool for making paper puzzles; it’s very debug-like, but might offer some use for people who want to make these kinds of things: http://www.hempuli.com/puzzlemaker.zip

Anyway, let’s hope things get better for the world next year! I’ve tried to do my part; Baba Is You’s success has allowed me to donate over USD $300,000 to charities over the past 2 years. Yay! Thanks for the support!

Finally, here’s a painting I made to celebrate New Year’s Eve:

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Tags: Games, Other, Baba Is You, Art, Small games, Paper Puzzles, Plans
