Canal View
Posted on 2020-11-22 05:04

Ever since I got introduced to Tapa and other paper puzzles last Summer/Spring, I’ve every now and then played some on the website and in general been intrigued by them. I can recommend the puzzle types called Tapa, LITS & Akari. As is usual for me, I wanted to try creating my own paper puzzle variant; I picked a fairly obvious set of rules close to those of Tapas & Nurikabes and the end result is something I called “Somethingapa” because I didn’t know what to call it. Rules below:

(I later updated this image to be more instructive)
I showed my invention to a community of puzzle game developers and Deusovi kindly informed me that this set of rules had already been invented in the form of the Canal View paper puzzle. Oh well! I had good fun and got inspiration for some other things, plus managed to create a simple paper puzzle designer program in Löve2D, so all in all it was an enjoyable endeavour! (And obviously feeling sad that someone had already come up with the same idea is somewhat silly but I can’t entirely help it.) Here are two more example puzzles:

Tags: Discord, Other, Paper puzzles