Tesseract Tapa!
Posted on 2020-06-24 04:57

I was recently introduced to the slightly picross-ish pen-and-paper category of puzzles called Tapa. They’ve been a lot of fun to solve, and way more satisfying to me than, say, sudokus. You can find a lot of them here, with instructions on how they work!

I recently saw someone make a 3D version of a Star Battle, another pen-and-paper puzzle type. Being who I am, I found the concept really intriguing and started pondering if it’d be possible to add one more dimension to the deal. I’m not good or familiar with Star Battles, so I went with the more-familiar Tapa ruleset and did some research & Love2D coding during the midsummer holidays and ultimately ended up with what you see above, the Hypertapa.

Due to how 4D works I had to devise some rather awkward extra rules to make the challenge make sense on some level, but I’ve now confirmed that the solution works so that’s great! Thanks to Deusovi for showing tapas to me and being the first to complete this.

So yeah. That’s how I spent my midsummer holidays (I did also sauna a bunch, visit my parents and eat good food & scratch a dog!)

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Tags: Art, Paper puzzles, Other
