I Solved It Wrong And Now You Will Too
Posted on 2020-05-08 02:34

Hi! I just added a new game to the website, called I Solved It Wrong And Now You Will Too! This one has a funny origin story: I was linked to a cool logic puzzle called WITLESS – A Puzzling Journey where the idea is to deduce the rules of the puzzle from the puzzles themselves, with minimal information. I proceeded to solve the puzzles all wrong by making a very fundamentally wrong assumption about what the puzzles were expecting of me, but did “finish” them with a coherent logic system.

After understanding what my problem was by discussing the logic I ended up with with other people, I started pondering about a similar logic puzzle, except built around the flawed logic I had used. And so, in a moment of inspiration, I spent ~2 days building such a puzzle, and the result is here.

It’s very crude/rough and clinical, and based on tentative feedback the logic is way way too hard to get into, but I’m very happy about the result nonetheless. If you’re interested in logic puzzles, do give it a try!

HTML5 version (no saving)
Windows version (2,1 mb, has saving)

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Tags: Games, Paper puzzles, Small games, Browser games
