Weekly-4 progress post #107: Flowers!!
Posted on 2018-09-24 03:53

Life keeps happening! Anyway!!

Today I worked some on this flowery effect that’s part of Baba Is You’s intro & ending. The effect ended up in a pretty sweet spot, although there are some bits of polish still sorely needed for the intro and the ending is very much work-in-progress. I also replaced an outdated level with a better one (with help from people in the chat, particularly PortPonky, Unsinnlos and falcon99999 – thank you! I also did a little bit of work on the game’s menus; the player can now return to the main menu from the game and choose whether they want the game to ask for confirmation when restarting. Not super interesting and I definitely did some of this to procrastinate working on the ending, but it’s still necessary stuff so I can’t be too unhappy about it!

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