Baba Is You and the Independent Games Festival
Posted on 2018-01-03 21:02

Well would you look at that, Baba Is You was nominated finalist in 4 categories at the Independent Games Festival, the largest (?) indie game competition in the world. One of these is even the grand prize! Here’s the full list:

- NUOVO AWARD (Basically the “innovative experimental stuff” award)
- BEST STUDENT GAME (I’m still a student at the University of Helsinki, mind you!)

So yeah, this is very exciting news for me! Can’t wait to get this game actually done!!!

In related news, I’ll be traveling to the Game Developers’ Conference in March, partially to finally attend this magical event I’ve been hearing so much about, but also partially because I felt that Baba had garnered enough semi-spontaneous interest that it’d be a good idea to show it off in a larger event. Being a finalist in a bunch of categories is a really good additional reason to go, so I guess I’m happy I am doing just that?

Ramble ramble

…back to work.

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