Weekly progress post #88: Yet more editor stuff
Posted on 2017-11-21 05:31

Oh yeah, even more editor stuff. Getting close to having all the basic functionality I need in, though! The new editor and its related systems have now fully overtaken the old map & editor screens, although there’s still a bunch of missing functionality (namely beating levels returning the player back to the map & unlocking levels). I think I have a plan for how the general map-unlocking and -traversal loop will work, so I’ll probably be implementing things related to that on the side. There’re also some quality-of-life tools that are dearly needed in the editor, especially when it comes to editing world maps, but they shouldn’t cause too much trouble once I actually get around to doing them.

I made a really funny level during today’s stream; I’ll try to sit on it until the next Screenshot Saturday! :)

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