Belated weekly progress post #80: More not
Posted on 2017-09-11 01:23

So yeah, to catch up with missed weekly updated I streamed on two days in a row! Ended up finishing the Not operator (although there’s still a specific word system that doesn’t support it and is in other ways outdated; gotta look at that at some point). I’m afraid that there are some horrible buggy cornercases I’ve overlooked but things seemed fairly solid for now. Unfortunately the game’s FPS has taken a hit due to these recent additions to the code because the game needs to go through more stuff per step. I’ll see what can be done about that.

I also added a new visual feature (that I had added earlier but removed due to technical reasons), an intermediate step of which can be seen above, haha. It needs a bit more work but the basics seem to be ok. Today’s streem was in many ways really productive from a technical viewpoint! Even finished a level started yesterday and added another :)

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Tags: Games, Baba Is You, Streaming, Regular updates
