Weekly progress post #75: A bit of everything
Posted on 2017-08-07 02:55

I actually managed to work on both Baba and ESA2 on today’s stream. In Baba, I implemented some map-related things to make it more polished. I also started working on a fairly cool special effect but ended up giving up on that because it would’ve required me to rework some very base-level code and would also have caused some entirely new graphical issues to solve.

In ESA 2, I implemented the intro for a new (old) boss. Said boss still needs a bunch of graphical work but I have the general idea of the fight in my head so getting to implementing the actual fight should be fairly smooth.

I also dabbled a bit with my chess pathfinder and fixed a bug in how bishops behave if they’re looking for a path to a square that they can’t actually land on.

I’m currently in a state of mind where I have a whole bunch of projects I’d like to dabble with but kinda know that I wouldn’t have the motivation to actually work on them. I think I’ll do a little classic roguelike project at some point but maybe it’d be for the best not to do even that.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I think I skipped a stream & a weekly update due to Ludum Dare last week! I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll make a post about the Dare when I remember and have the energy.

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Plans, Ludum Dare, Streaming, Regular updates
