Weekly extremely belated progress post #74: Yeah
Posted on 2017-07-23 03:45

Here’s finally that one weekly update I missed some time ago! I wasn’t feeling very inspired and ended up working mostly on Baba after all. The stream was pretty slow but I did fix some bugs, cleared up a very curious unintuitive mechanic (thanks Mokesmoe!) and added a new level. The word I added last time has turned out to be a pretty tough one to create levels for, but it’s interesting enough that I think it can stay. I have plans for a really odd and cool word to add, but that’ll require a bunch of work and despite my plans saying otherwise I didn’t get started on that today. Oh, and I added those brick tiles seen above!

In ESA 2, I made some sprites for a new boss, so that’s nice! It’d be interesting to have fun designing a boss again. :)

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Baba Is You, Regular updates, Streaming
