So yeah
Posted on 2017-01-29 15:37

Lots of awful things going on right now in the world; kinda afraid but maybe writing a couple things matters, if only on a personal “here’s how I feel” way. A lot of these ideas originate from my girlfriend, who’s a very very smart and insightful person.

– Nazism and fascism are really terrible & inhumane worldviews and shouldn’t be supported; instead there ought to be active work to really drive home why they’re awful ideologies. Some people will probably never learn, but a majority showing that they don’t want said ideologies to their lives is the most important thing for ensuring that things can get better.
– People should be treated as equal, no matter what their ethnicity, religion etc. is. All consciousnesses are important and should be allowed to lead meaningful lives with as little suffering as possible. Ensuring this for as many as possible is the end goal of all legislation. “For the greater good” isn’t a good argument nearly 100% of the time because being able to argue for it would require complete factual knowledge of the situation and how the different outcomes would increase/decrease suffering (which almost never happens).
– A mindset that aims to increase the happiness of a group of people via making others suffer is wrong. Increasing the suffering of a consciousness is disproportionally worse than increasing the happiness/pleasure of another. We cannot estimate if one person’s suffering is equal (or of equal “worth”, although saying it like that sounds wrong) to another’s and thus we cannot argue for actions that are based on the assumption that they are equal.
– Increasing a person’s understanding of the world is the best way to ensure that they can make meaningful choices in their life which do good things that lessen suffering in the world. A worldview that isn’t based on factual knowledge, and especially one that actively opposes factual knowledge, will lead into choices that hurt others but also the person making said choices, even if they initially do not feel that way.

So yeah, I feel that things in the world have mostly progressed positively towards a world where more people out of the Earth’s total population can lead meaningful lifes, and really hope that people who short-sightedly seek the advantage of their small in-group at the expense of others don’t manage to undermine this progress, be it Trump, neo-nazis, populists or anyone else.

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