Weekly progress post #46: Lasers
Posted on 2017-01-05 01:25

I wonder if a progress post is already called that? Whatever. I’ll try to reduce the amount of gifs I post for a bit so that I don’t end up revealing everything about the game before release!!

Today’s stream was fairly laid-back, but I managed to add 2 new enemies, a new trap, a new room, some decoratives and a new platforming element. The aforementioned platforming element is kind of an odd one and it’ll be interesting to see if it’ll be fun to utilize, but at least it shouldn’t be overly frustrating(?) There’s again a bunch of behind-the-scenes work that needs doing and I’m dreading that, but hopefully I’ll manage to muster the motivation to tackle it. Last week I didn’t have time to stream at all, so I’ll try to make up for that sometime in the future with an extra stream.

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Tags: Games, ESA 2, Regular updates, Streaming
