Weekly progress post #44: New powerup and lotsa tweaks
Posted on 2016-12-15 01:02

Today I started of kinda slow due to not feeling too well; however, the pace kinda picked up over time and I ended up implementing some nice little things. Among these were 1 new room, adjusting several others, fixing many bugs, scrapping an old powerup and implementing another, decorating some areas and discussing about certain design things with the chat. The reaper enemies shown here were made earlier, though.

There are multiple large things looming in the future that I’ll have to re-implement; this’ll be fairly annoying but the results will hopefully be worth it! Biggest of these is reverting the collision code back to what it originally was – I already re-implemented it once to allow for better moving platforms, but now that my knowledge of lua is better I can return to the old, simpler system and handle the moving platforms via lua code. As a result, several other things will become easier to implement while the moving platforms will hopefully end up being way less buggy!

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