Salvage Star!
Posted on 2016-12-13 01:56

So, Ludum Dare #37 came and went; the theme, One room, didn’t inspire me much and at first I didn’t think I’d finish anything this time around; however, eventually I just decided to ignore the theme altogether and make an idea that came to my mind after reading about the release of The Last Guardian and discussion about the upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I streamed the whole development process, which was pretty interesting! The result isn’t quite as polished as I’d have hoped, but it gave me new opportunities to add to my knowledge on how to implement moving platforms, and I feel I learned some stuff that could come in handy with, say, the Snake Game. Unfortunately this also means that I’d kinda like to continue this project!!

Anyway! The game’s very difficult but hopefully feels interesting nonetheless! I didn’t have time to add proper sounds and, since I don’t want to be a jerk anymore, left the entry like that.

Salvage Star on Ludum Dare

Post-compo version

(The post-compo version has various bugfixes and some more sounds. Maybe slightly easier?)

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Tags: Games, Small games, Ludum Dare, Streaming, Plans
